My Family History Table of Contents

Chapter 3: Swedish Johansson to American Ogren

Emil Ogren's Descendants

Children of of Emil Ogren and Amanda Eleonora Streed
5. Emil Ogren (1857-1950) -- Amanda Eleanora Streed (1859-1948)
6. Alvin Adolph(1890-1967) Cecil John (1892-1945) Hannah Ella Leonora (1894-1975) Solimon Peter Leonard (1894-1980) Manley Marion (1896-1972) Edith Evelyn (1900-1954)

Alvin Adolphus (also Adolph and Adelphus) Ogren was born in February 6, 1890. He was in love with a woman who married someone else, so he never married. Instead he lived with his parents Emil and Amanda in New London and took care of them as they got older. He traveled a lot and was a part-time preacher at Lebanon Lutheran Church in New London. He was also the writer of the Minnesota Centennial book called "Red River Road". A helpful summary of the genealogy of the Ogren Family was written by Alvin. He was also the post master for much of his life. Alvin fought a three year battle with prostate cancer. It spread through his body and he died in the Glen Oaks Nursing Home in New London on April 14, 1967 and is buried in the Lebanon Cemetery.

Alvin's Confirmation Day; Alvin's headstone in Lebanon Cemetery

Cecil John Ogren was born on March 27, 1892. Cecil also never married. He was in the U.S. Army (Minnesota Private First Class, 315 Motor Truck Company, QMC) during World War I. He was also an artist making commercial art. In 1945, he was residing at 928 West 8th Place, Los Angeles, California. For two and a half years, he suffered from bladder cancer that eventually spread to his lymph nodes and one of his kidneys. Cecil died on May 9, 1945 in the VA Hospital in Ft. Snelling, Hennepin County, Minnesota and is buried in the Lebanon Cemetery in New London.

Solomon Peter Leonard Ogren was born on July 18, 1894 in New London, Minnesota. (His SS# was 468-14-8058.) He was a fraternal twin to Hannah Ella Leonora Ogren. Peter was a World War I veteran and a factory worker by profession, a tool and die setter for Brown & Bigelow. Peter married Mabel S. Wohleen (or Wallin). Mabel was born on June 24, 1898 (SS#472-76-8652) to John Wohleen and Mary Paulson, both born in Sweden. Peter and Mabel had four children: John L. Ogren, Robert Ogren, and the fraternal twins, Caroll Ogren and Stuart Ogren. John L. Ogren (born 1918, whose address at one time was 4620 Decatur Ave N, New Hope, MN) was a geneologist by hobby--my research on the Ogren family begins with his work. Peter's last address was 4317 18th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN. At age 85, Peter died in the VA Hospital at Ft. Snelling on February 28, 1980 of gram-negative septicemia (bacterial blood poisoning) related to obstructive lung disease. Peter's wife Mabel died of pneumonia on January 4, 1984 in the Crestview Nursing Home in Columbia Heights, Anoka, Minnesota. They are buried together in the Lebanon Cemetery in New London (referred to on Peter's certificate of death as the Peace Lutheran Church Cemetery).

Hannah Ella Leonora Ogren was born on July 18, 1894 in New London, Minnesota. (Her social security number was SS# 476-34-3423). She was a fraternal twin with her brother Peter Leonard Ogren. The details of her family will be elaborated in the next chapter.

The twins Peter and Hannah at 4 1/2 years of age.

Manley Marion (also Mariam) Ogren was born on November 30, 1896. (His SS# was 477-40-5711.) He was a dairy farmer in New London, Minnesota. He married Nora C. Rustad (born 1904) but they never had any children. Manley became a mail clerk later in life. Manley died on February 20, 1972 at age 76 at Rice Memorial Hosptial, Willmar from hepatic failure and cirrhosis (liver failure) related to long-term kidney problems. Nora died ten years after him at age 78. They are buried together in the Lebanon Cememetery.

Edith Evelyn Ogren, Emil and Amanda's youngest child, was born in 1900. She was an artist who never married. She died in 1954 and is buried in the Lebanon Cemetery in New London.

It is interesting to notice that out of the four Johansson/Ogren brothers, two never married. One moved to North Dakota and had two children, while Emil, the oldest, had six children. Then out of Emil's six children three never married and one married but never had children. The twins, Peter and Hannah, had a total of six children (four and two).

Go to Chapter 4: Skoglund-Ogren